State-led Conservation in Tanzania

Research addressing dimensions of governance, institutional adaptive capacity and long-term social and ecological sustainability of community-based and larger protected area systems

Case Articles

Just Conservation? Justice, conservation and the protected areas establishment frenzy

Just Conservation? Justice, conservation and the protected areas establishment frenzy

“as long as we remain resigned to a culture of conservation that treats human beings as the enemy and that turns a blind eye to violations of human rights, the approach will be self-defeating. Current declines in biodiversity are not primarily a result of gaps in the number, extent and representation of parks and other kinds of protected areas, nor is the decline of iconic species caused by insufficiently strict exclusion of poor rural people from their traditional territories…”

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Research Findings


4th ICCA Consortium Letter: Communication on the proposed eviction of Uvinje community of Saadani

4th ICCA Consortium Letter: Communication on the proposed eviction of Uvinje community of Saadani

“the small and very poor Uvinje community has invested considerable time and effort, not only in saving wildlife since the 1970s, but lately also in developing an eco-lodge venture with partners, which helps to underpin their commitment for the long term. The fundamental demand of Uvinje villagers to keep their ancestral lands, of which they have been able custodians, is thus now augmented by personal efforts and economic investments.”

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3rd ICCA Consortium Letter: Soliciitng response  to letter regarding attempted eviction of Uvinje community of Saadani Village in Tanzania

3rd ICCA Consortium Letter: Soliciitng response to letter regarding attempted eviction of Uvinje community of Saadani Village in Tanzania

“The ICCA Consortium Secretariat, as well as its global membership, are tracking the matter and eagerly awaiting a positive resolution consistent with Tanzania’s own land tenure and natural resource policies that protect village land rights, as well as with international human rights obligations, CBD decisions, IUCN Resolutions and the recent WPC ‘Promise of Sydney’.”

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In the News

Chronology of Events on Conservation Grievances in Saadani Tanzania

Source: 5th ICCA CONSORTIUM Letter to Honourable Dr. John Pombe Joseph Magufuli President of the United Republic of Tanzania

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Chronology of Events on Conservation Grievances in Saadani Tanzania

Source: 5th ICCA CONSORTIUM Letter to Honourable Dr. John Pombe Joseph Magufuli President of the United Republic of Tanzania

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